Tw. In. Li. Xi. Yo.

"Poland’s government will take necessary legal steps to block the elements of the Fit for 55 package, that would be incompatible with the nation’s interest and just transition."

Anna Moskwa Climate and Environment Minister, Poland

“The EU has proved that it is possible to cut emissions while growing and creating jobs. Let's continue on this path and ensure that no one is left behind."

David Sassoli President, European Parliament (✝)

“The fossil fuel economy has reached its limits.”

Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission

"These (EU) decisions must be withdrawn ... Brussels is not the solution today, they are the problem."

Victor Orban Prime Minister, Ungary

“This is the make-or break-decade in the fight against the climate and biodiversity crisis”.

Frans Timmermanns Executive Vice President, EU Commission

“The new Fit for 55 package of the European Commission is a game-changing proposal both for European and international climate and energy policy.”

Tibor Schaffhauser Co-Founder, Green Policy Center

"This whole package is based on a target that is too low, doesn't stand up to science, and won't stop the destruction of our planet's life-support systems.”

Jorgo Riss EU director, Greenpeace



“Insight must precede application”. Max Planck, Physician (1858-1947)

Or in other words: Acknowledging facts and understanding correlations is the basis for proper action.

This principle doesn´t apply only to complex physical questions: Opinion building and political decision making should be based on the same analytical approach, too. Today’s world needs more facts, analysis and differentiation. Not only spins, opinions and emotions.

That´s where GREEN PLUS CLEAN comes in.


Live from the European Parliament in Brussels: Green plus Clean is Europe`s new, monthly debate format on climate change and energy transition. The place for in-depth-analysis on different multimedia- platforms:

Livestream and Chat, Podcast, VoD and Highlight-Video. Dedicated to the personal exchange of arguments between experts in science, civil society, industry, policy makers and media: Passionate to highlight the shades between black & white. Loving facts not fakes.

For everyone, who wants to get the bigger picture. A clearer view. And a broader horizon.





Warpspeed or Slow Motion: How can Europe establish a secure hydrogen infrastructure?


H2Global 4 Europe: Import of Hydrogen: Do we need a European Hydrogen Union?


Regional Energy-Turbo from Rostock to Riga: Does Northern Europe need a Hanseatic Hydrogen Alliance?


Between Trucks, Terminals and Ten-T: Which type of Hydrogen infrastructure do we need in Europe?



Explaining the future role of hydrogen in tomorrow´s Net Zero-World is a compelling challenge.

To match the fears and uncertainties, related to that transition, it needs real passion and dedication for explaining, differentiation and building bridges– plus a solid understanding of the matter. Ideally this goes hand in hand with an entertaining way of breaking the news to the different audiences – based on facts.

Jürgen Pfeiffer as host, executive producer and editorial mastermind behind GREEN PLUS CLEAN, has been successfully matching these tasks already in the past with his hybrid German Live-talk-format “PFEIFFER FRAGT”: Synthesizing substantial in-depth-knowledge, quick-witted sense of humour and years of radio- and TV-live-coverage experience in the field of national politics and EU-affairs. Always dedicated to the old saying:

“The wurm must taste good to the fish – not the angler”.


GREEN PLUS CLEAN kicks off in the second quarter of 2022, focusing on all the “The heroes of Net Zero”:

Live from the European Parliament as hybrid-stream and as Podcast – with Highlight-Video and Video-on-Demand available after broadcasting on all major media-platforms. This is the well-balanced infotainment-mixture of GREEN PLUS CLEAN.

Based on a wide range of cooperations, network- and also media-partners, the format reaches out to all levels of audiences – be it experts, NGO´s or ordinary citizen: The straight and fact-oriented direct exchange between policy makers, industry executives, science and society will be an additional, reliable source for relevant news, related to the fields of European Green Deal, Energy Transition and a common European Energy Policy.

Broadcasting from Brussels. At home all over Europe. Come and join us.